Tim DeSieno is Director of Legal Strategy at the Emerging Markets Investors Alliance.
Tim DeSieno served as a Senior Advisor at Omni Bridgeway, a globally-leading litigation finance and debt enforcement company, with offices around the world, and approximately US$2 billion in assets under management. Before joining Omni Bridgeway, Tim had a 31-year law firm career at Morgan Lewis, where he was a debt restructuring partner, advising institutional investors on insolvencies, workouts, and debt enforcement matters in connection with distressed sovereigns, banks, and companies around the world.
Tim developed expertise in addressing debt distress resulting from financial crises, such as the Asian currency crisis of 1998 and the global financial crisis of 2008. In his work, Tim created innovative restructuring processes and outcomes, including debt buyouts to solve Venezuelan expropriations, new schemes of arrangement for the bankrupt Icelandic banks, and natural disaster relief clauses for Caribbean sovereign debt restructurings.
Tim has advised multiple sovereigns on debt restructuring and insolvency law reform, and he participated in the policy discussions that led to ICMA's sovereign bonds collective action and engagement reform in 2014. In addition, Tim has served as an insolvency law expert for the IMF and a participating member of the Principles Consultative Group for the Institute of International Finance's Principles for Stable Capital Flows and Fair Debt Restructuring.