How can investors support education for sustainable nutrition in schools?
The Educated Choices (ECP) program provides food-related education to students (12+ years old) and community members. The program has been very successful in the US and has now moved into Emerging Markets.
Excessive meat consumption has negative effects on human health and on the environment. It heavily influences heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, obesity, and certain cancers. Greenhouse gas emissions from animal-based foods are twice those of plant-based foods. The direct effect of food choices on human and planetary health is especially important for communities with less resources.
EMIA hosted a webinar to help investors better understand the role of food-related education and how ECP is exporting its successful US program to Emerging Markets.
Lorena Mucke, Founder and CEO of the Educated Choices Program (ECP), a multinational academic non-profit organization focused on the issues related to food choices and their impact on human and planetary health.
Karyn Knox, Chief Development and Partnerships Officer for the Educated Choices Program (ECP).
Uwe Schillhorn, Director of the Sovereign Social Program, EMIA (moderator).