EMIA Notes - May 22, 2023
Job & Volunteer Opportunities
1. EMIA Partners with the Mexican Institutional Stock Exchange (BIVA) on its first BIVA Day UK
We would like to invite you to join us at the Mexican Institutional Stock Exchange (BIVA) on its first BIVA Day UK 2023 on June 12, 2023, in the Old Library at Lloyd’s in London.
EMIA is partnering with BIVA on this unique opportunity to meet Mexican issuers, both in debt and equity, from the local stock market and to hear panel discussions covering a range of sustainability challenges unique to Mexico.
Issuers such as America Movil, Fibra UNO, Vinte, Fibra Hotel, Fibra Shop, Fibra Plus, Gentera, Cox Energy America, Orbia, Fresnillo, Rotoplas, Javer, Fibra Terrafina, Nacional Financiera, Banobras, OMA, Traxion, Fibra Monterrey, GAP, OMA, Vesta, Aleatica, CYDSA, among others, will be on hand for small group and 1-1 meetings as well as part of the general agenda.
The small group and 1-1 meetings will provide an excellent platform for a deeper understanding and long-term vision of Mexico’s potential in sustainable finance and to explore new opportunities in this rapidly growing market.
Our President and CEO, Ashok Parameswaran, will moderate a panel on Overcoming ESG Challenges in Mexico.
For registration and more information, please click here.
Open to: EMIA members, partners, and affiliates; financial professionals; civil society and multilateral ESG experts; and staff of national governments and publicly listed companies. |
9:00 am EDT
2:00 pm BST
1. WWF Biodiversity Risk Filter and its Application for Agriculture and Extractive
(Consumer Staples Program and Extractive Industries Program Webinar)
Thursday, May 25, 9 am EDT / 2 pm BST
The World Economic Forum estimates that half of the world's GDP depends on biodiversity. However, according to the WWF, 69% of our planet’s wild animal populations have declined since 1970. One more million species are also facing extinction due to human activity. In addition to these high-level risks, businesses negatively impacting biodiversity are likely to incur regulatory, reputational, and other risks.
The Consumer Staples Program and the Extractives Industries Program have jointly organized a webinar focused on biodiversity and the tools available to investors who want to integrate it into their decision-making process.
WWF's Rebekah Church, Regula Hess, and Florian Oeschger will highlight the biodiversity risks that are particularly acute for the mining and agriculture industries. They will also present the WWF Biodiversity Risk Filter, a tool that helps investors assess these risks for companies in their portfolios.
Rebekah Church, Global Lead Biodiversity Stewardship, WWF
Regula Hess, Senior Advisor Sustainable Finance, WWF
Florian Oeschger, Advisor Sustainable Finance, WWF
Pavel Laberko, Director, Extractive Industries Program, EMIA (moderator) |
10:00 am EDT
3:00 pm BST
2. How Stock Exchanges Can Create Sustainable Investment Opportunities: Bolsa Institucional de Valores (BIVA) and the Mexican Private Sector
(ESG Initiative Webinar)
Tuesday, June 6, 8 am Mexico City / 10 am EDT / 3 pm BST
Many emerging market corporates struggle to keep pace with investors' demands for sustainability information. Stock Exchanges can provide a critical leadership role for both equity and debt issuers. They can also offer higher-quality engagement with investors on complex sustainability information and performance.
Maria Ariza, Bolsa Institucional de Valores (BIVA) CEO, and Iker Vinageras Massieu, Corporate Issuers & Head of ESG Solutions at BIVA, will discuss BIVA’s incubator program that helps Mexican corporates with equity and debt offerings, understand investor demand for sustainability information, and deliver relevant data.
BIVA's work showcases best-in-practice leadership skills on how stock exchanges globally can play a key role in supporting higher quality disclosures and best practice adoption, as well as Mexican corporates’ desires to lead on sustainability best practices.
America Movil representatives will share their organization's experience as an issuer and its experience with developing sustainable financial offerings in Mexico.
Maria Ariza, CEO, BIVA
Iker Vinageras Massieu, Corporate Issuers & Head of ESG Solutions, BIVA
Representatives of America Movil
Claire Meier Underhill, Head, Memberships & Partnerships, EMIA (moderator) |
10:00 am EDT
3:00 pm BST
3. Nature - An Overlooked Risk and Unrealized Opportunity for Financial Institutions
(Financial Institutions Program Webinar)
Thursday, June 8, 10 am EDT / 3 pm BST / 4 pm SA Time
Biodiversity is inextricably linked to climate change, food security, clean air and water, and our health and safety. According to the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), we have altered approximately 75% of the earth’s land and are getting closer to a global biodiversity threshold, which if crossed, could lead to its irreversible decline and large-scale economic loss.
Financial institutions play a crucial role in protecting and reversing biodiversity loss via their investments, loans and insurance; not only to companies with high exposure to it but also via their supply chains. At the same time, their investments, loans and insurance portfolios are also at risk from extreme weather effects, and the social and economic loss associated with it.
The webinar will focus on the status of biodiversity, its risks and opportunities to society and the economy, and actions and frameworks available to financial institutions to tackle such an important issue. EM financial institutions will also talk about the challenges and opportunities associated with it.
Annelisa Grigg, Board Member (Partnership Biodiversity Accounting Financials), Senior Associate (Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, Cambridge University), Fellow (UNEP-WCMC), Director (Globalbalance Ltd.) and Technical Committee - Biodiversity (Global Reporting Initiative)
Gert Kruger, Chief Risk Officer, FirstRand
Catalina Cano Zapata, Leader of International Agenda on Sustainability, Bancolombia
Maria Tinedo, Director, Financial Institutions Program, EMIA (moderator) |
10:00 am EDT
3:00 pm BST
4. GHG Accounting in Metals & Mining
(Extractive Industries Program Webinar)
Friday, June 9, 10 am EDT / 3 pm BST
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have become an important metric widely used by investors on par with earnings and other financial parameters. Yet, it entered the realm of investment management very recently, and the approaches to GHG measurement and reporting are still being hammered out.
Estimates of emissions and their intensity often vary for similar processes. The breadth of reporting and materiality criteria are still being discussed. Neither consumers nor producers know with certainty the amounts of embodied emissions in the products they buy and sell.
Our partners at the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment have been involved in the COMET project aimed at harmonizing the GHG calculation framework for mineral supply chains. During this work, they conducted in-depth research on the current shortcomings of GHG accounting. John Biberman, Senior Policy Associate from the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, has agreed to come to our webinar to talk about the findings of this research, about important issues in accounting for GHG emissions in the metals and mining industry, and their implications for investors.
John Biberman, Senior Policy Associate, CCSI
Pavel Laberko, Director, Extractive Industries, EMIA (moderator) |
11:00 am EDT
4:00 pm BST
5. Racial Equity Pact Brazil - How the ESG Racial Protocol Engages Corporate Brazil to Better Integrate Racial Minorities Into the Professional Workforce
(Health, Education and Human Rights Program Webinar)
Thursday, June 15, 11 am EDT / 4 pm BST
Social and specifically racial inequality is one of Brazil’s most significant challenges. Blacks, who comprise 56% of the population are starkly underrepresented among professionals. One of the top obstacles to the training of black professionals is the low quality of public education.
Pacto Promoção da Equidade Racial developed a Racial ESG Protocol for Brazil and is promoting its adoption by companies and institutional investors. The Racial ESG Protocol is an excellent opportunity for companies to develop a stand and a narrative consistent with this new demand from society and support greater social justice by promoting the productive inclusion of the Black population.
The initiative has received various awards and is supported by many national and international institutions, among others UN Global Compact and ANBIMA.
Members from Pacto Promoção da Equidade Racial and corporate Brazil will explain how the protocol has been developed, what the different elements are, how it is working so far, and how international investors can support the initiative.
Jair Ribeiro, Founder, Parceiros da Educação
Gilberto Costa, Head, Pacto Promoção da Equidade Racial
Uwe Schillhorn, Director, Health, Education and Human Rights Program, EMIA (moderator) |
1. Telco’s E-Waste and Circularity (TMT Program Webinar), held on May 18, 2023
Eva Morales, Cambridge Judge Business School’s Circular Economy and Sustainability Strategies Program Leader; and Maya Ormazabal, Telefonica’s ESG Management and Finance Director, presented on how the telecom sector is using Circularity to tackle the problems of E waste and GHG emissions generated by the strong demand for digital services of the past decades.
They outlined the problems and risks but also opportunities for emerging markets, which because of weak regulation ends up importing E waste from more developed economies. Telefonica is leading the sector on this topic, its Net Zero Emissions by 2040 and Net Zero Waste by 2030 targets include its Latin American operations. Maya Ormazabal provided details about their strategy, policies and actions to achieve such goals.
Please click the link below to watch this webinar:
1. Volunteer Opportunities
The Emerging Markets Investors Alliance could not function without its many volunteers who contribute their skills to our future. If you want to be part of our project, please send us an email at applicants@emia.org including your resume/ or LinkedIn profile, and mentioning "Volunteer Opportunities" in the subject line.
The Emerging Markets Investors Alliance (EMIA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to enable institutional investors to use the power of their collective capital and voices to advocate for a more sustainable future. EMIA "Programs" are activities that bring together investors, policy experts, and governments or companies for the purpose of improving ESG best practice adoption. EMIA Programs focus on sovereigns (e.g., Government Debt and Fiscal Governance Program, Sovereign Decarbonization) and on sectors (e.g., Agricultural Program, Extractive Industries, Financials Program and Telecom, Media, and Technology Program).
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